Mission Statement 基本理念


  • 将来、意志をもって国際社会を舞台に活躍する子ども
  • 自らの人生に役割を見出し、遂行する子ども
  • 世界をよりよくするための行動がとれる子ども


We will discover a new child; that is a child who;

  • Has a strong will to lead themselves to success in our global society.
  • Can find and fulfill their own purpose and role in life.
  • Can take steps to make the world a better place.

Our Policy 教育方針


  • 子どもが生涯にわたって学びへの渇望をもち続けること
  • 意欲的で、楽しんで園に通いたいと思う気持ちをもつこと
  • 子どもの本来持つ力を引き出し、個々に応じて伸ばしていくこと


We believe that with the right environment and the right support;

  • Children can truly flourish and develop a love of learning that will last a lifetime.
  • Children can become self-motivated explorers who are eager to come to school
    every day.
  • We can nurture the development of the each individual child to reach their true potential.

Our Goals 目標

  • これからのグローバル社会に貢献できる子ども
  • 自律できる子ども
  • 自己肯定感と他人への思いやりをもった子ども

Our goals are to support;

  • A child who is capable of making positive and creative contributions to our global society and is a confident communicator in both English and Japanese.
  • A self-controlled child who can take responsibility for their own choices and become concentrated, independent and socialized.
  • A child who has high self-esteem and compassion for others, and can appreciate the diversity of cultures and values of the world in which we live.